In most countries, newborns are generally screened for rare but dangerous metabolic and hormonal diseases. For this purpose, a few days after birth some drops of blood are taken from the newborn’s heel and analyzed in specialized laboratories. Phenylketonuria may be the disease that is most well-known by its name. An enzymatic defect prevents a certain amino acid from decomposing and therefore it enriches in the body. To prevent this harmful enrichment the patients must maintain a strict diet, low in this amino acid. The newborn screening programs differ by country in number and nature of the screened syndromes.
ProviaTest offers a panel of 39 metabolic and hormonal diseases plus Cystic Fibrosis in collaboration with Heidelberg University Hospital screening center. ProviaTest additionally provides for an extension of newborn screening to SCAs and microdeletions which otherwise would not be diagnosed in many cases.
Why Get Tested?
To determine if a person, usually a child, is at risk for a genetic condition that can cause a specific syndrome.
When To Get Tested?
The early detection generally allows to find a suitable therapy for the symptoms and thus to improve the outcome and quality of life of the child and his family.
Which conditions can be detected by ProviaTest?
ProviaTest can detect three types of conditions:
Several syndromes affect the metabolism and hormonal regulation. These are typically caused by a mutation of genes that code for specific proteins which are part of metabolic pathways. With panel MHD (metabolic and hormonal diseases) the altered proteins can be detected with high accuracy.
Various syndromes are caused by numeric alterations of the sex chromosomes.(X- or Y-chromosome). An affected person either has additional sex chromosomes or is lacking one. These syndromes are called sex chromosome anomalies (SCA) or sex chromosome aneuploidies for short. The ProviaTest sex chromosome aneuploidy (SCA) Panel detects these syndromes.
Other syndromes can be caused, when small parts of a chromosome are missing. These syndromes are called microdeletions or MDs for short. The MD panel detects these syndromes
How frequent are the syndromes detected by ProviaTest?
The names of syndromes associated with sex chromosome aneuploidies are generally not so well-known. This is because most persons that are affected by these syndromes were never diagnosed. These individuals are therefore unaware of their own conditions and the cause of their health problems. Therefore, these syndromes are generally perceived to be quite rare, while actually they are quite frequent. One in 430 newborns is affected by an sex chromosome aneuploidy and one in 750 newborns is affected by an MD, which are also oftentimes, not diagnosed either. Syndromes detected by the MHD panel are less frequent, but they are very damaging and can sometimes even be life-threatening, so that screening for them in
Name of Syndrome |
Frequency |
Klinefelter Syndrome (47, XXY) |
One in 580 boys |
Triple X Syndrome |
One in 950 girls |
Jacobs Syndrome |
One in 850 boys |
Turner Syndrome |
One in 1900 girls |
XXYY Syndrome |
One in 18.000 boys |
Klinefelter Syndrome (48,XXXY) |
One in 20.000 boys |
Klinefelter Syndrome (49,XXXXY) |
One in 20.000 boys |
Newborn effected in total |
One in 430 babies |
Name Of Microdeletion Syndrome |
1p36 MD syndrome MECP2 duplication syndrome |
MECP2 duplication syndrome |
2p16.1-p15 MD syndrome |
Miller-Dieker syndrome |
2q23.1 Mdsyndrome |
NF1 MD syndrome |
3q29 MD syndrome |
Phelan-McDermid syndrome |
9q22.3 MD syndrome |
Phelan-McDermid syndrome |
10p13-p14 MD syndrome |
Prader-Willi syndrome |
17q21.31 duplication syndrome |
Rett syndrome |
22q11.2 MD syndrome |
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome |
Alagille syndrome |
Saethre-Chotzen syndrome |
Angelman syndrome |
Smith-Magenis syndrome |
Cri-du-Chat syndrome |
Sotos Syndrome |
DiGeorge syndrome-2 |
WAGR syndrome |
Distal 22q11.2 deletion syndrome |
Williams-Beuren syndrome |
Glass syndrome |
Witteveen-Kolk syndrome |
Koolen-de Vries syndrome |
Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome |
Langer-Giedion syndrome |
Name of Syndrome |
Adrenogenital Syndrome |
HMG-CoA-Lyase-Deficiency |
Argininosuccinatlyase-Deficiency |
Hypothyroidism |
Biontinidase Deficiency |
Isolated Methylmalonaziduria... |
Carnitine Metabolism Deficiencies |
... (mut0-, mut--, CblA-, CblB-Defects) |
Carnitin-Transporter-Defect |
Isovaleric acidemia |
Cbl C-, D-, F-, J-, Transcobalamin-II-Defects |
LCHAD* Deficiency |
Cbl-D-Hcy, Cbl E-, G-Defects |
Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD) |
Citrullinemia Typ I MCAD Deficiency |
MCAD Deficiency |
Classic Homocysteinuria |
MTHFR-Deficiency |
Cong. Vitamin B12-Deficiency |
Multiple Acyl-CoA DH-Deficiency (MADD) |
Cystic Fibrosis |
Phenylketonuria |
Galactosemia |
Propione aziduria |
Glutaric Aciduria type I |
Tyrosinemia Type I |
HMG-CoA-Lyase-Deficiency |
VLCAD Deficiency |
Why can physicians easily miss to detect sex chromosome aneuploidies and microdeletions?
There are no typical facial characteristics associated with SCAs. In contrast, other genetic syndromes, e.g. Down Syndrome are associated with typical facial characteristics. This is one reason why SCAs are underdiagnosed compared to many other genetic syndromes. Another reasons why physicians often fail to diagnose SCAs is that they are associated with less severe symptoms than other genetic diseases. Visible physiological symptoms that might help to diagnose the syndromes more easily are often missing. Learning disorders or behavioral disorders, such as anxiety or a low tolerance for frustration are frequent, but generally less attention is paid to those symptoms, resulting in the observed underdiagnosis of SCAs
What can you do if your child is diagnosed with one of these syndromes?
For all the syndromes screened by ProviaTest an early diagnosis enables a therapy of the associated symptoms which generally results in an improvement of the outcome and a significantly higher quality of life. Recommended therapies would typically be a learning therapy or psychological assistance in the case of SCAsand dietary changes with many MHDs.