
Panaroma Test

Panaroma Test

Fetal analysis from maternal blood (Noninvasive prenatal testing-NIPT) PanoramaTest

Panoramatest is a noninvasive prenatal test (NIPT) that analyzes fetal-placental, cell-­free DNA isolated from maternal plasma as early as nine weeks into gestation. Panorama offers highly accurate, comprehensive panels to screen for fetal aneuploidies and microdeletion syndromes. Panorama has been evaluated in 12 peer-reviewed publications and in more than 60,000 pregnancies.

With this test Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome), Trisomy 18 (Edward Syndrome), Trisomy 13 (Patau Syndrome), XO (Turner Syndrome), XXY (Klinefelter Syndrome), XXX (Trisomy X), XYY (Jacobs) syndrome) and 22q (DiGeorge Syndrome), microdeletions can be detected for the baby. Microdeletions are caused when a chromosome is missing a small piece. The severity of problems caused by a microdeletion is determined primarily by the size and location of the deletion. For instance, features of the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome tend to be different and may be less severe than Angelman syndrome, which is a microdeletion involving chromosome 15.

Procedures such as amniocentesis (withdrawal of water from the baby's water sac), CVS (removal of the cord part which is feeding the baby), cordocentesis (withdrawal of blood from the baby's cord) may be harmful to the mother and the baby. It may also cause loss of a healthy baby due to bleeding, inflammation, puncture of the water sac. Prenatal testing does not carry such risks because it is performed with a simple arm collection. Accuracy is more than 99.9% in tens of thousands of cases performed to date. In both single and twin pregnancies, the results are clearly reported as “Normal” or “Abnormal”, not by probability calculation. Panorama screens for the most common genetic conditions and the baby’s gender (optional). Some conditions, such as Down syndrome, are caused by extra copies of a specific chromosome. Others, such as microdeletions, occur when a chromosome is missing a small piece of genetic information.  Microdeletions affect women equally, regardless of age.

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